I took photos that I made on my iPad where I took an image and drew my octopus over it, I then took my watercolor series of my octopus and made the photo represent my style of watercolor. All photos created were made with models through RunwayML.
Models Used:

On the left is a finished product of an image I made to look with the same style as the image on the right.
The photos below are the watercolor pieces that I created to make the photos look like. This style is my style of watercolor that I made a series of. The day in the life of an octopus if it lived as a human.

Once I took the image of my choice that I have created, I then brought the image to CartoonGan where I made the image look like a cartoon towards my style of artwork. From there, I took that image and brought it into the Arbitary-Image-Stylization model where I referenced my images of the watercolor and inks and then run it through model to get the finished product.

This was a very interesting way to think about my art as a whole. I can bring my digital art and turn it into more of a piece adding my style on top of it. To me it adds such a fun unique art style to add to myself that people even use to turn their images into a Sir Henry the Octopus style of art.