Design Challenge
“Design a mobile phone app that empowers a specific audience to help improve part of the chain of food collection and distribution. The app must provide a mode of measurement or service to a single or multiple systems. The audience may be a party involved in some way in the supply chain or a messenger of public service (much like a watchdog monitoring and promoting awareness) around the severity of the insecurity issue of your choosing.”
During our process we figured that we wanted to focus on Adults that need to provide specific food options for their family during their busy lives.
How might we find a way to give families choices when it comes to receiving food from food pantries?
2 Week Design Sprint
Project Type
Adobe Creative Jam: Design For Change With SoDA Agencies
User Experience Design
UI Design
Adobe XD

Project Objective:
We came up with an idea that has smart lights on all street post and lights that will project your avatar to get you off the phone and experiencing the real world.
How might we create an engaging experience for pedestrians while reducing phone reliance for night time visitors of Culver City?
Video, directing, and Editing was taken and done by me.

We observed at night in our area to find little light and also no readable sign telling you where to go.
We braindstormed as a group and made a concept poster to gather our information and really get an idea of what we are facing.

Planned our application and our projected light tests to test with users.